Administrative Settings
Administrative Settings give you access to control business preferences, defaults, and enabled options related to the FuseSign Features pictured and described below.
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Access these settings by selecting Settings on the side navigation bar accessible from any screen in FuseSign.

Archive & Retention
The Archive & Retention section allows you to specify how you want to deal with bundle and document retention, including auto-archiving functionality.

Business Defaults
The Business Defaults section allows you to set your date format, time zone, and country code, along with your business preference for FuseSign bundle settings including default Signature Placement Mode, enable mixed verification mode, enable allowed recipient verification modes, and default bundle rejection.

Document Output
The Document Output section allows you to set business preferences for the formatting of items that will appear on your signed documents including the signed filename format, obfuscation of phone numbers, and the application of signers initials on the documents.

External Connection Permissions
This page allows you to control who can authorise third party connections to FuseSign. When this setting in enabled, non-Champion users will have the ability to connect these integrations.

Signing Experience
The Branding section allows you to set your preferences for the way that your business brand is included in your FuseSign emails, including your logo image and placement, and banner and button colour.

Recipient Signing Page
The Recipient Signing Page section allows you to set your preferences for the way that your business brand is included on the recipient signing page in FuseSign.
Here you can choose to apply the email branding to the signing page (enabled for Business and Enterprise plans), and add custom help text directing your clients to contact your team directly if they have any queries about the documents or signing process.

Email From
The Email From section allows you to set your preferences for the appearance of the sender of the emails your clients receive from FuseSign.
You can choose to include your business name, and whether you want to include the words “via FuseSign”. The email address will always be (Note: Any emails sent to will bounce back to the sender).

Email Body
The Email Body section allows you to set your preference for the standard email wording and default body message included in the emails your client receives from FuseSign.
Related: Read more about Bundle Templates.

Please note that there are no substitutions in the default body message. Instead of using [[Firm]] in the body text, you will have to include the actual firm name.
Finalisation Email
The Finalisation Email section allows you to set business preferences for the way that your business, and your recipients, receive the email advising that the bundle has been finalised.
Related: Read more about Document Finalisation.

Advice for Recipient Finalisation Emails
FAQ: Should you select “Email with Attachments” or “Email with Download Link” on the recipient finalisation email?
Email with download link means that once the bundle has been finalised the client will receive an email directing them download their documents by clicking a link. The client will then be taken to a webpage where they are able to download and save their documents. This method allows you to retain multi-factor authentication security to access the signed documents. This will likely be your preferer method if you are using the ‘SMS to View’ option as your recipient verification mode. Read more about Document Finalisation and the FuseSign Credit System in relation to accessing documents via the download link.
Email with attachments means that once the bundle has been finalised the client will receive an email with the signed documents included as attachments. This method means that multi-factor authentication security is NOT APPLIED to the access of the signed documents.
SMS Notifications
The SMS Notifications section allows you to enable SMS notifications on new bundles, and provides a preview of what these look like.
Options include:
Disabled - SMS notifications will not be available to be applied to any bundle.
Enabled - SMS notifications are enabled and can be applied on a per bundle/recipient basis.
Enabled and Auto-apply - SMS notifications are enabled and will be included on all bundles and recipients automatically.

The Reminders section allows you to set your business preferences for when bundle reminders are sent to your bundle recipients.
This includes setting a default due date, automatically applying that due date, setting reminders, and overdue messages.
These are defaults for all new bundles and can be updated at the time of new bundle creation.

Templates & Tags
Bundle Detail Templates
The Bundle Detail Templates section is where you can manage the subject, body, and tags for the bundle templates that have been saved.
Related: Read more about Bundle Templates.

Bundle Tags
The Bundle Tags section is where you can add or remove the bundle tags that have been created for your business.
Related: Read more about Bundle Tags.

Placeholder Templates
The Placeholder Template section is where you can delete or rename the FuseSignHere placeholder templates that have been created for your business.
Related: Read more about creating and using Placeholder Templates.

Contact Data Sync
The Contact Data Sync section is where you can connect FuseSign to a data source containing your recipients' names, email addresses, and mobile numbers used for communication and verification.
Learn more about Contact Data Sync in Contact Management.

Document Connector
Document Connector Settings
The Document Connector Settings section allows you to create a direct connection between FuseSign and selected document management systems.
FuseSign Document Connector integrates with:

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