History + Audit Logs
Bundle History
The bundle history is chronological record that captures every action made in relation to a bundle. It serves as a detailed trail of events related to document transactions, user interactions, and system activities. It provides transparency and accountability by documenting who performed specific actions, what those actions were, and when they occurred. It can also be used to identify any errors that occur in the signing process.
The bundle history can be found at the bottom of each bundle review page and provides an easy to reference event history for your team to keep track of bundle activity.

You can also expand the results to see the entire history by deselecting Most recent only, and filter activity by particular users via the dropdown menu.
Document Audit Log
The document audit log is attached to the end of each signed and finalised document. While it also contains a history for the events pertaining to that particular document, it also includes additional detailed information such as recipient details, signature and document IDs, and other verification information. This audit log is essential for compliance and verification and cannot be detached from the signed document.
Removing the audit log from finalised documents manually will result in the digital certificate being broken and any signatures becoming functionally invalid
Bundle Audit Report
The bundle audit report contains the bundle history as well as additional bundle information, and can be downloaded from the bundle review page by clicking Download Audit Report.
Bundle history and audit reports can be accessed at any time, even if the bundle has been archived or deleted via hard retention.
Bundle History Events
Bundle History Event | Meaning | Example |
Bundle created | The bundle has been created by the listed user from the listed IP Address | Document Bundle Created by John Doe (john@accountants.com) (Source IP Address: |
Email(s) sent | Our email provider confirms the message has been pushed by their service | Sending emails to bill@gmail.com. [Message Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0x00-01x0001x00] |
Email delivered | The recipient’s email provider confirms they have received the message | Email successfully delivered to bill@gmail.com. [Message Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0x00-01x0001x00] |
Email opened | Their email provider acknowledges the recipient has clicked to open the email message and viewed the contents | Email opened by bill@gmail.com. [Message Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0x00-01x0001x00] |
Email failed | The email has failed to each the recipients mailbox. There could be several reasons for this, and the system details will give you an indication of what has gone wrong. These may include:
If you encounter this error, please check the recipient’s contact information is correct, and contact support@fuse.work for further assistance | Email Failed to send to biil@gmail. [Email Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0x00-01x0001x00] System Details: The server was unable to deliver your message (ex: unknown user, mailbox not found). |
SMS(s) sent | Our telecom provider confirms the message has been pushed by their service | SMSs Sent to: Bill Smithh - +61 xxxxxxx 000 |
SMS failed | The SMS has failed to each the recipients device. There could be several reasons for this, and the system details will give you an indication of what has gone wrong. These may include:
If you encounter this error, please check the recipient’s contact information is correct, and contact support@fuse.work for further assistance | Failed to deliver SMS to +61 000 000 000 [System Problem / Handset off / Contact recipient] |
Link opened | The recipient has clicked the link to open the bundle from the listed IP address | Link opened from IP |
Email Verification Requested | The recipient has clicked the button to request a verification code to their email address to View/Sign their documents | Email Verification Requested to email bill@gmail.com |
SMS Verification Requested | The recipient has clicked the button to request a verification code to their mobile number to View/Sign their documents | SMS Verification requested to mobile ending in 000 |
Code entered and verified | The recipient has successfully entered their verification code and can now view/sign their documents | Code entered and verified |
Customer verified | The recipient has verified by their unique URL when there is no 2FA in place | Customer verified by unique URL sent via Email (no 2FA) |
Document viewed | The recipient has viewed the listed document | Document Viewed: Smith Family Trust - Financial Accounts |
Document signed | The recipient has signed the listed document at the listed placeholder Note: There will be multiple entries of this if there are multiple placeholders on the document. Take note of the Signature ID if you need to reference a particular one | Document Signed: Smith Family Trust - Financial Accounts - on page 1 (SignatureID: 1000000-1111-1111-1111-1111111111) |
Document finalised | The recipient has no remaining signing actions on the document | Document Finalisation completed |
Document rejected | The recipient has rejected the document for the listed reason they’ve provided | Bill Smith Rejected Smith Family Trust - Income Tax Return - 111111-1111-111-1111-111111111111111. Reason: Incorrect Information |
Bundle rejected | The recipient has rejected the entire bundle for the listed reason they’ve provided | Bill Smith Rejected entire Bundle. Reason: "Incorrect Information” |
Early finalisation | An internal user has requested to finalise the bundle early, cancelling any pending signing actions | Early finalisation requested. Reason: Client printed and returned |
Action cancelled | The listed action has been cancelled for the listed user Note: There will be multiple entries of this if there are multiple pending actions that have been cancelled | Action cancelled for document Smith Family Trust - Income Tax Return: Bill Smith to sign. |
Bundle retraction | An internal user has requested to retract the bundle, voiding it and any existing signatures | Bundle retraction requested |
Bundle finalised | There are no further signing actions on the bundle to complete, and it has been finalised | Bundle Finalised by System |
Downloaded documents | Recipient has downloaded finalised documents via download link | Downloaded all documents |
Bundle archive | System (auto-archive) or internal user has requested to archive the bundle | Bundle Archive requested |