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Restarting the FDDMSS

The FuseDocs Document Management System Service (FDDMSS) is a Service which runs on your File/SQL Server to give FuseDocs access to your underlying Document Management System. 

Installation is usually done in a screen sharing session between the FuseWorks team and your IT team, takes no longer than 10 minutes, and requires no downtime of your system.

 FDDMSS is required for integration with:

  • MYOB AE / AO

  • CCH Engagement

  • HowNow (on premises, not HowNowX)

Restarting FDDMSS

From time to time the FDDMSS may stop running, typically after a server restart.

Step 1: Identify the right person to undertake the restart. This process requires administrative privileges on the Windows Server.

Step 2: On the same server as your MYOB SQL Server or HowNow Firebird service, open Windows Services > right click and restart FDDMSS.

Alternatively, the service can be restarted from PowerShell via the following command: Restart-Service -Name FuseDocsDMS

If you have any questions please contact our support team at

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