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OFFER!! FuseDocs Annual Review

Did you know that all of our FuseDocs subscribers are welcome to book in with us for a review of your solutions each year? 

Think of this as a performance review – for your software!

Your Invitation

Every year on your Fuse-iversary your firm will receive an invitation to book in an annual review. Please reach out to if you haven’t received this as it might be going to the wrong person. 

What does a FuseDocs Annual Review Involve?

The review is a relatively casual catch up scheduled with your Implementation Consultant from FuseWorks along with as many or as few team members from your firm that would benefit from joining. 

We usually like to ask you a few questions about how things are going and look for opportunities to uplift how you’re using FuseDocs.  Ultimately this hour long session is yours to use as best suits you. 

  • If you need some more training – we can do that. 

  • If you have some deeper questions about functionality – we can do that. 

  • If you are interested to know if there are any features that you’re not using – we can talk through that too.

Even if FuseDocs is going really well and you’d give it a double thumbs-up, this time for reflection and contemplation about how things are really going can be invaluable to the efficiency of your processes.

Let’s catch up, have a chat, and let us show you the very best of what we have to offer in our latest product suite updates.

Sample Agenda

Not sure if you’d benefit from a review? Remember, you don’t know what you don’t know!

Here’s an example of some of the targeted things we’ll talk through and get you thinking about:

  • What’s been working really well? What isn’t working?

  • How are the integrations with your practice management, and document management systems going? Are they both returning the data and documents you expect?

  • How are the output packages going? Is the presentation still the best representation of your brand? Are they still fit for purpose?

  • What other ways could you be using FuseDocs? Have you considered any additional features or templated solutions?

  • Are you using all of the functionality of your solution to it’s fullest? Are there any features that you could be using better?

  • Do you use software that we integrate with but are not taking advantage of the available integrations?

  • Are you keeping in touch with our product updates via our Newsletter and quarterly FuseDocs Champion Webinars?

  • Open forum for questions.

Prior to your review you may like to review our FuseDocs Optimisation Phase Checklist (access using your FuseDocs credentials) to consider if each of the available features in FuseDocs is delivering the outcomes required for your business. 

How Can I Book An Annual Review?

Simply use our online booking link here!

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